High schools in Canada are world-renowned for their quality education and opportunities. While prices for high school education vary in Canada, quality education is always a priority. In Canada, high school students also become culturally enriched by making friends from different parts of the world.
In addition, these high schools offer many opportunities that will open the doors to the best universities for higher education. High schools in Canada offer many opportunities that will help students adapt to social life as well as their education.
Studying high school in Canada can be a challenging experience for students. If you want to get more information about abroad programs for high school students, you can contact us.

The largest boarding high school in Canada, this school is home to 1800 students from more than 70 countries. In the school, which has 5 modern and comfortable dormitories with a capacity of 1500 beds, students feel as comfortable as they do at home. In addition, since the dormitories are always open, students can stay on holidays if they wish.
CIC paves the way for students to go to Canada's top universities. Students can also get help with university scholarships and placements. The school also assists students with special needs and offers English placement tests and English instruction. Each student also has an advisor.
For more information you can download the brochure below.
Total Care Education System

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.

Pattison High School, which opened its doors to education in 2003, offers the opportunity to receive education in the center of Vancouver. The school, which has 20 years of education history, has more than 2000 graduates. Meeting all the needs of students with its multilingual staff, the school also helps students on their journey to university.
Thanks to the boutique education provided by the school, students have the opportunity to receive special attention individually. In addition, thanks to the counseling service offered by the school, students' high school education processes in Canada can become easier. Canadian high school education takes extra care to strengthen the individuality of students and prepare them for the future.
You can contact us for more information about Pattison High School or high school opportunities in Canada.
Kanada'da lise eğitimi kaç yıl sürer?
Kanada'da lise eğitimi genellikle 4 yıl sürer. Ancak, bazı eyaletlerde veya bölgelerde farklılık gösterebilir.
Kanada'da lise ücretleri nasıldır?
Kanada'daki devlet liseleri ücretsizdir. Ancak, yabancı öğrenciler için uluslararası öğrenci ücretleri uygulanabilir. Ayrıca yatılı okullarda okumak isteyen öğrenciler için yıllık ücretler ortalama 30.000-50.000CAD arası değişiklik göstermektedir.
Kanada'da lise eğitimi için vize gerekiyor mu?
Kanada'da lise eğitimi almak isteyen uluslararası öğrencilerin genellikle öğrenci vizesi başvurusunda bulunmaları gerekmektedir.
Kanada'da lise eğitimi için İngilizce veya Fransızca bilmek gerekli midir?
Kanada'da lise eğitimi almak için genellikle İngilizce veya Fransızca dil yeterliliği gerekmektedir. Ancak, bazı okullar uluslararası öğrenciler için dil eğitimi programları sunabilir.
Kanada'da lise sonrası eğitim seçenekleri nelerdir?
Kanada'da liseyi bitiren öğrenciler, üniversite, kolej veya meslek okulu gibi çeşitli lise sonrası eğitim seçeneklerine başvurabilirler.
Kanada'da lise diploması dünya genelinde tanınır mı?
Evet, Kanada'da aldığınız lise diploması genellikle dünya genelinde tanınır. Ancak, bazı ülkeler veya eğitim kurumları belirli ek gereksinimler veya denklik işlemleri isteyebilir.
Kanada'da lise eğitimi ne zaman başlar ve ne zaman biter?
Kanada'da lise eğitimi genellikle Eylül ayında başlar ve Haziran ayında biter. Ancak, bu tarihler eyaletlere ve bölgelere göre değişebilir.
Kanada'da lise eğitiminde neler öğretilir?
Kanada'da lise eğitiminde genellikle matematik, bilim, sosyal bilimler, İngilizce veya Fransızca, sanat, spor ve diğer seçmeli dersler gibi çeşitli konular öğretilir.
Kanada'da burslu lise eğitimi almak mümkün müdür?
Evet, Kanada'da lise eğitimi için burs veya mali yardım alma imkanı bulunabilir. Bu konuda okulunuzun mali yardım ve burs programları hakkında bilgi alabilirsiniz. Ayrıca, bazı bağışçılar veya kuruluşlar da lise öğrencilerine burs sağlayabilirler.