Our goal in this service package is to guide you in the new career you wish to create in Canada and understand Canadian work culture.To support the creation of a job search strategy and adaptation to the business environment.
Personal strategy and action plan career in Canada.It will allow you to take your first steps with confidence.

You can fill out the Pre-Assessment Form to benefit from career services!
Our career counseling services in Canada,Trained or prepared to study in CanadaSpecially designed for students and professionals. In this way, our students and professionals,Developing careers in CanadaThey can take the right steps by getting all the information and support they need.
Moreover,We also provide support to our students and professionals on how to be successful in business in Canada.By providing consultancy services on issues such as career planning, CV preparation, job interview preparation,business life in CanadaWe help them adapt to their dynamics in the best way possible. Thus, our students and professionals,What they want in their careers in Canadalevel, they can lead a successful life.
LinkedIn Package
$150 CAD
Writing your career story and determining your career goals
Coaching the creation of your LinkedIn profile or revising it to Canadian standards
Resume Pack
$300 CAD
Writing your career story and determining your career goals
Revision of your CV to spelling coaching and Canadian standards
Cover letter coaching and revision to Canadian standards
Full Package
$400 CAD
Writing your career story and determining your career goals
Coaching the creation of your LinkedIn profile or revising it to Canadian standards
Revision of your CV to spelling coaching and Canadian standards
Cover letter coaching and revision to Canadian standards
Northern Pathways müşterilerine özel!
Full Package
$450 CAD
$400 CAD
Determination of target position and target companies
Job search tools and their effective use
Identifying networking opportunities
Determination of application tracking methods
Canadian business culture orientation
Northern Pathways müşterilerine özel!
Full Package
$550 CAD
$500 CAD
Improving your interview performance through trial interview and feedback
Creating an interview flow plan and determining an effective communication strategy
In this package, first of all, a 1-hour trial interview is made, the interview is recorded, and the consultant gives feedback on this recording. In this way, interviewing skills for Canadian job applicants are developed.
Special for Northern Pathways applications!
Full Package
$1400 CAD
$1250 CAD
With this package, which includes all the services provided above, you can start your career in Canada one step ahead.
Career Mentors are professionals with long-term experience in the industry, experienced in job search and working in Canada, and who make this experience available to others.
In line with your needs, our career mentors will guide you in your job search process in Canada.